You now have two methods of viewing the map files that I generated. You can either view them using the Google Earth program (suggested method) or via your browser with the Google Earth plugin (below).
Google Earth is free, but it does require a relatively modern computer and a high speed Internet connection. To download a copy of the program, go to
One of the things that you can do with Google Earth is to create "placemarks" and "paths". A placemark marks a location that you want to reference and paths show a route. I've created placemarks and paths for virtually all of our cruising. This includes locations from Canada to Florida and virtually all of the Caribbean and the Bahamas. The placemarks don't appear until you zoom in on an area.
If you click on a placemark you'll see snippets from the log from that location. If you click on the "Full Text" link, you'll see the whole trip report for the area. Many of the placemarks also include links to photo albums or videos of the area.
The logs from the eastern Caribbean are pretty sparse (1998-2002), but the photos are good. Everything gets much better starting in Venezuela (2003+) and west of that.
Anchorages utilize icons. Land based travel utilize
, or
icons .
Placemarks which
include diving information use
I suggest using the stand-alone Google Earth program to view the information. To do this, click on the following link and open file using Google Earth: BlueJacket.kmz
Alternately you can load the Google Earch plugin for your browser and then click on the "Fetch KLM" button below.