Anchorage at mouth of Saquenay fjord

Friday, August 8, 2008

048-8.700 N
069-44.160 W

Ahoy from an anchorage near the mouth of the Saguenay fjord!

We had a leisurely morning yesterday as we didn't need to be anywhere quickly. We only had a 22 mile up-river run and we had the tide going with us. As a result we took a walk in the mist to the local bakery and picked up a nice, warm loaf of bread which quickly turned into breakfast. Then we headed up-river to an anchorage at the mouth of the Saguenay.

This is definitely a 1 boat anchorage as it's relatively deep with variable holding. We anchored in the middle of the cove in 15' MLW and a tidal range of 12'. Add 4' to that for our anchor roller height and you're at 31', which with a 5:1 scope means 165' of anchor chain. On a 40' boat, that's over 200' of swing radius, which is huge in an anchorage lined by rock. Luckily the forecasts are for light winds, and they seem to be correct.

We've been blanketed by low clouds and rain all day. For once I can say that it's good that it's cool, otherwise we'd be sweltering inside of the boat. As it was, I completed a series of maintenance items and took a very nice nap as I had gotten up before 5 AM to work on the Saguenay video and news letter.

Tomorrow we're headed to Ile Bic, which is a bird sanctuary and is another place that we've been told not to miss. We're hoping that the weather improves, as today was less than stellar. We're very thankful for the weather that we had yesterday, as we wouldn't have begun to have had the same experience.

-- Geoff & Sue

P.S. You'll probably note the lack of multi-media inclusions in the upcoming news letters as I'll be using the high frequency radio for e-mails and that doesn't begin to support images, yet alone video. For the next several weeks we'll be in sparsely populated areas and I suspect that my ability to perform all of the operations necessary to bring you reports with images will be greatly limited.

Log ID: 1257

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