Final Thoughts on the Down East Circle Route

Saturday, November 1, 2008

041-38.520 N
071-13.020 W

Ahoy from the crew of the BlueJacket,

BlueJacket InteriorI normally create an end-of-trip summary as soon as I get home, but I've been flat out catching up with life. It's amazing how many jobs can pile up while you're away for several months! On top of the household work items, we're storing BlueJacket in RI for the winter, and that requires winterizing the boat which is a lengthy process. I'm doing a lot of work on the interior and as a result we've hauled virtually everything off of the boat so that I don't get it dirty as I work. Believe me, that's a lot of work and a lot of trips back and forth. The photo to the right shows what the interior of BlueJacket looks like right now with the headliner and moldings stripped off.

One of the things that kept me busy was finishing up the videos and still photos from the end of the trip. You'll find the video covering the area from Portsmouth, NH to RI linked below.

I hope that you've enjoyed virtual tour that I provided through these logs, photos and videos. From the feedback that I've gotten, the logs with maps and images were very popular, which is a good thing as this was a lot of work.

What follows is a summary of what we learned on the trip. If you want the executive summary, it as follows: While we visited lots of beautiful sites, we had to travel a lot of miles to see them. Unfortunately the temperatures were running significantly below average and we had lots of rain. We weren't sufficiently prepared for this (mentally or clothing-wise) which made parts of the trip unpleasant. While I'm glad that we did this trip, I wouldn't do it again.

-- Geoff & Sue

I've been struggling on how to summarize what I liked/didn't like and what worked/didn't work. It started off as a dialog, but now I've reformatted it to lists. I hope that this helps anyone planning on doing this cruise in the future.

Favorite things:

Least favorite things:

Things that worked well and things that I'd change:

Guides used during this trip:

Useful Web Sites:

Log ID: 1306

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