Hut Point

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

020-43.020 N
086-58.980 W

Ahoy from Hut Point, Mexico!

I just wanted to get a brief note out to let folks know that we're underway again! Yeah!!! We're in a place known as Hut Point, which is about 1/2 way between Puerto Adventuras (PA), which is where we left the boat while we were back in the States, and Isla Mujares. This is a nice way of breaking up the trip. This is pretty much just an anchorage behind a reef. We're anchored in 10' of water with fair holding in grass. The reef comes very close to the surface, so it does a good job of breaking the waves, but I wouldn't recommend being here if there was large surf. The snorkeling here is relatively poor, although you wouldn't know it based upon the number of boats hauling tourists out here to snorkel. I feel sorry for anyone who thinks that this is what a reef is all about.

We had a nice visit to the Land of Plenty and got back on Thursday. We had rented a car to get from Cancun to PA and kept it for an extra day so that we could continue our exploration of Mayan ruin sites. We went to Coba, which is about half way between PA and Chichen Itza, which is another large Mayan ruin site. Compared to all of the other sites that we've been to, this is the least interesting. It's spread out over a large area, the stellas are in very bad shape, the structures aren't particularly interesting, and a large part hasn't been restored. All in all, not worth the time.

We also provisioned the boat in Playa del Carmen. They have a great grocery store. It's really scary when you start talking about how great a grocery store is, but when you're used to shopping in tiny little tiendas, finding a store where you can buy just about anything is wonderful! We wrapped up a whole set of boat projects and spent Easter afternoon lounging by the pool and playing in the ocean. A nice way to end this segment of the trip.

Today we're off to Isla Mujares. One great thing is that there's a 2-3 kt current going with us! The problem will be when we go back...Yesterday we motor sailed with the wind as close on the nose as you can sail, but we were making 6-8 kts with the current. Yeah! Today there's no wind, so we'll be motoring again. It looks like there's a weather window on Thursday or Friday to make the jump to FL. I'll keep you posted.

-- Geoff & Sue
Log ID: 361

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