Key Largo, FL

Thursday, May 8, 2003

025-3.420 N
080-27.300 W

Ahoy from Key Largo, FL!

The winds gods weren't particularly kind to us today, but then again they weren't particularly bad either. Last night the winds were blowing out of the NE while I was writing my last position report, but they switched around to the SSE by morning. That was a good thing as we were headed NE. The winds started out favorable, but kept backing to the east as we went. As the Keys swept northward, the winds moved eastward, basically keeping us close-hauled with the boat heeled over 15 degrees. Luckily the winds were lighter than the previous day and we were able to make good headway. Early in the afternoon the winds died to less than 10 kts and we had to motor-sail on and off.

Not much to report from the trip except that saw lots of sea turtles including a baby one just a few inches long! I've never seen one of those before. We also ran into a very ominous frontal line with big, dark thunderheads and rolling, cigar shaped lower clouds, which is just the kind of system that generates intense thunderstorms. I was able to call ahead to another sailboat that was sailing though it and found that he only experienced 19 kt gusts, so into it we went. Believe me, after our experience going into Key West, the last thing that we wanted was another blow. Luckily the core of it moved over land before we got into it and we basically had nothing. Thank you!!!

We're now anchored outside of Key Largo along with quite a few other boats. It was a 53 mile sail today, and believe me, that beer and swim after getting the boat anchored felt wonderful! Tomorrow it's on to Miami. Until then...

-- Geoff & Sue
Log ID: 367

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