Middle Long Cay

Saturday, March 6, 2004

017-15.600 N
088-5.460 W

Ahoy from Geoff & Sue who are new aunts and uncles!

Yes, it's true, but to puppies. We just got e-mail that the dogs that we adopted at the marina gave birth to 4 puppies and all are doing well. Mancha, the mother was exhausted, but came through it OK. We're also happy to know that the father is Joe Friday, the male marina dog. Marjorie, from Island Times, was the midwife and got Mancha through just fine.

Now back to our regularly scheduled sailing program...We decided to make a 25 mile run to the Bluefield Range yesterday so that we could make the jump to Turneffe Island and then to Lighthouse Reef. We gave up on trying to get to Glover's reef as, despite what the weather prognosticators say, the winds are continuing to howl. Brandy has only managed to get a few dives in due to the wind and waves, and now they've got the issue of getting out of the pass. They will be headed to Lighthouse as soon as conditions permit. There's a cold front coming in a few days and you don't want to be a Glover's for that as there's no protection from N winds.

Yesterday we had a *very* fast sail with 20-25+ kts from the east. We were screaming along at 7-8.5 kts for most of the way. It was wonderful. We pulled in behind Middle Long Cay and had trouble getting the anchor (a CQR) to set in the thin grass. I dove and set it by hand and it held very well. We had 25+ winds last night and we didn't move at all.

Today we'll head out English Channel and head over to Turneffe Island.

-- Geoff & Sue
Log ID: 463

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