Ahoy from the Yucatan Straights off of Cancun/Isla

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

021-15.000 N
086-30.000 W

Ahoy from the Yucatan Straights off of Cancun/Isla Mujeres!

I must admit that I though that we'd be in by now, but once again we're fighting monster currents. This time it's the Antilles current which runs between Cuba and the Yucatan. You can just imagine how much water wants to funnel through this area, and funneling it is! Earlier this morning we were battling a 4.2 kt current, but it's dropped down to *only* 3.2 kts right now. This sure makes for slow going. The trip to Cancun will take 3 days compared to 2 days from Cancun to Key West.

The winds picked up enough to feel a slight breeze in the cockpit. HOT is still the operative word. We're pulling into Cancun to deliver some packages to so friends of ours on a boat named Alegria. They say that they know where to get ice cold cervesas for a buck. I think that we'll take them up on that!

Things are looking up on the weather front. Up until last night the National Weather Service was showing a tropical storm developing into a hurricane and sweeping along the southern coast of Cuba. Then last night the storm disappeared from the charts and was replaced with a tropical wave, which is a precursor to a tropical depression/storm. Tropical waves come through about every 3 days, but this is supposed to be a strong one and deserves respect. However, I'm VERY happy that it isn't a storm or hurricane!

Not much else to report. Hooked a large fish yesterday that just snapped the 30 lb fishing line. We also caught a 3' Barracuda but let it go. Getting the hook out of its mouth was a lot of fun too as it didn't want to come out.

That's it from here. The next report will be from Mexico!

-- Geoff, Sue & Bill
Log ID: 396

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