Puerto Adventuras 2003

Friday, July 25, 2003

020-30.000 N
087-13.440 W

Ahoy from Puerto Adventuras, Mexico!

The last time that I wrote we were battling the currents in an attempt to make it in to Cancun, Mexico. We won the battle (although the currents sure put up a good fight) and pulled in early afternoon. We anchored next to Alegria, delivered their goods that we've been hauling around with us for months, and had a great time catching up with them. They were doing fine (although suffering the effects of the tequila flu from the night before), but have had enough of Cancun and plan to move to the eastern Caribbean next year. I treated everyone to a great meal at a local (non-US tourist) restaurant and got to enjoy a bus race home, although the driver was so intent on racing the other bus that he neglected to stop at our getting off point.

The next morning we pulled up the anchor headed down the coast. The original plan was to stop at Hut Point and anchor there, but we were doing well on time and decided to go on to Puerto Adventuras so that I could work on the refrigeration. We crept along the coast, staying right along the reef line, to keep out of the opposing current. That strategy worked well as we occasionally had current with us, and rarely had more than 1/2 of kt of current against us, which was quite good considering that the current was almost 2 kts further off shore. We pulled into PA at around 5 PM, picked up 72 gallons of diesel, moored the boat and then off-loaded the refrigerator and freezer so that I could work on it the following day.

The next day I quickly determined what had happened to the refrigeration. One of the gauge hoses that I had left hooked up to monitor the system hadn't sealed properly and had leaked the refrigerant. After vacuuming the system I recharged it and spent the day tuning it. Bill worked on replacing the rope handles on the dinghy and Sue cleaned cushions and worked on the inventory database. Today we're headed into Playa del Carmen to go shopping and then go in again tonight for dinner.

Tomorrow we'll pull out of here and head to Punta Allen, which is about 45 miles from here. I'll report on that trip tomorrow.

-- Geoff, Sue & Bill
Log ID: 399

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