Punta Allen

Sunday, July 27, 2003

019-48.000 N
087-27.960 W

Ahoy from Punta Allen, Mexico!

What an amazing day we had yesterday! We were actually able to use the white triangular sheets of fabric for something other than roll stabilizers or sun shades. Yes, we actually sailed! WOW! What a concept! We had winds out of the east at about 10-14 kts and we were headed S, so that gave us a wonderful beam reach in relatively calm seas. It was wonderful.

We pulled out of Puerto Adventuras at about 7:30. The entrance there is very narrow (maybe 40') and lined with reef on one side and a breakwall on the other. It can very exciting to exit with large seas and even more exciting to come in when you're surfing on waves. Luckily we didn't have to deal with either of that. As soon as we were out we put up the sails and began a great day. Once again we found that if we hung by the shore/reef that we could mitigate the current against us and maybe even find a current with us. We made great time, averaging 6-7 kts most of the way.

We almost just kept going to San Pedro Belize, but it was about 3 hours later than I wanted to be leaving, so at about 3 PM we dropped hook outside of Punta Allen. I changed the engine oil and worked on refrigeration. Bill was off snorkeling when the Navy came by and boarded us. They were very polite and just wanted to see our passports and ship's papers. No problem that we hadn't cleared into Mexico...We had a great dinner of shrimp on the 'barbie and headed off to bed.

Today we're going to depart for San Pedro, Belize at around noon. This should put us in to port at around 9 AM tomorrow. We'll clear in and then move to Cay Caulker after purchasing some of that wonderful One Barrel Select rum...

-- Geoff, Sue & Bill
Log ID: 400

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