The northern end of the bay is steep hills covered by palm trees. According to one guide book, it's inhabited by howler monkeys. We haven't seen any yet, but the night may prove different. The other end is low white sand beaches. Quite impressive to look at.
The ride here was quick. We had 15-20 kts dead on the stern, which is my least favorite point of sail as the 3-5' seas that we had kept pushing us around threatening to jibe us. We covered the 50 miles in about 7 hours. As we were leaving the boom vang steel cable shredded, but luckily I had a spare. It's amazing how many spares cruising boats carry...
Anyhow, tomorrow it's on to Guatemala and then into the Rio Dulce. It's a 60 mile cruise, so I'm off to bed. Night!
Log ID: 260
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